We are a Welcoming Congregation, recognized by the Unitarian Universalist Association.  

You are welcome in this community!

LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation

We affirm and pledge:

    • To include people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer at every level of congregational life. All can
      celebrate their love with dignity and joy.
    • Inclusion in worship, in programs, and in social occasions—welcoming your whole authentic self.
    • Honor the lives of all people without regard for sexual orientation.
    • Celebrate diversity by using inclusive language and content in worship.
    • Incorporate an understanding of the LGBTQ+ experience in all our programs including religious education (RE).
    • Celebrate and sustain LGBTQ+ issues and history.
    • Affirm marriage equality.
    • Advocate and promote justice, equality and freedom in the larger society
    • CUF is active in ministry to the LGBTQ+ community throughout Southern Illinois:
      • Hosting Trans Day of Remembrance services
      • Participating in the Interfaith Pride Worship Service each year
