If you are interested in learning more about our faith and congregation, we offer Starting Point classes.  These classes present UUism as a Journey not a Set of Beliefs and is inspired by the classic UU slogan, “deeds not creeds.”  We explore how the Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship can provide you with the tools and partners for your journey. This emphasis on journey shapes Starting Point’s content and structure. Sessions focus on:

  • your personal spiritual journey and how it led up to Unitarian Universalism,
  • the historical journey of Unitarian Universalism and this congregation
  • the shared journey that you walk with the congregation which is made up of distinct UU spiritual practices:
    • Listening to one’s deepest self,
    • opening to life’s gifts and
    • serving needs greater than our own.

The program ends by helping you discern what will be your “next step” in becoming more connected to the Fellowship. 

To learn more about Starting Point Classes contact us.