Promises to Keep

What’s the big deal about covenant? Rev. Sarah traces the evolution of this core community agreement in Unitarian Universalist and Fellowship history, and its importance to us today. Music by the CUF Choir, Michael Thompson, Director. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Trust in Ourselves

Trust in each other means that we trust ourselves first and are of value. There will be doubt, but without doubt, there is no light. Music by Maki Ito Pardieck. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

In What Do We Trust?

With daily threats made to our democracy and its institutions, it is imperative to ground ourselves in our faith(s) as Unitarian Universalists. What are the values, systems, organizations and people we can depend on in these times of wanton destruction? Music by CUF Choir, Michael … read more.

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