Frequently Asked Questions
What can I expect when I arrive at CUF?
We hold a worship service, and offer child/youth religious education, and infant and toddler care each Sunday at 10:30 am. Our Sunday Services are led by the Reverend Sarah Richards, our minister, and we also have services led by congregation members or guest speakers. The services frequently feature guest musicians or our own choir.
A member of the congregation will greet you and direct you to the Sanctuary. You will have the opportunity before or after the service to complete a welcome card to provide us your contact information and help us answer your questions. A social hour with beverages served occurs after the service.

If you join us online, you will be in a waiting room until admitted. On Zoom, you will be greeted in chat and you can also share your questions and contact information in Zoom. After the service at the online coffee hour, there will be an opportunity to introduce yourself and learn more about us. You can also complete a Welcome Card.
What can I expect in the service?
Services vary from Sunday to Sunday, and can last from 60 to 75 minutes. The music includes hymns, choir presentations, or other music provided by members and friends. Most services have a message presented by our minister, a member or a guest speaker but might also include meditative time. Our services are planned around monthly themes such as cultivating relationships or embracing possibility.
What should I wear for the service?
Whatever you feel comfortable in—on any given Sunday you will find a range of dress from jeans and tee shirts to dresses and sport coats.
What can I expect for my children at CUF?

Most Sundays we offer children’s religious education programming during the Sunday Service time. Parents of toddlers are welcome to take advantage of our professionally staffed nursery. We also do occasional multigenerational services where children are welcome to sit with their parents during the service, for example the Flower Communion or the Ingathering Service.
How can I get acquainted with members of the congregation?
After Sunday service there is an informal coffee and conversation time in our Commons and on Zoom if you are joining us virtually. See making connections at CUF.
How can I learn more about Unitarian Universalism?
A good start is found at Our Beliefs. We also have brochures and books that can assist you in learning more. You can ask the greeter or our minister for more information.
How are services handled while the minister is on sabbatical or annual leave?
We have a very talented Sunday Services Team which works closely with the minister to plan Sunday Services. We have one lay-led service each month and they are able to continue offering meaningful services in the minister’s absence.