Topic: Renewing the Faith

Generosity Sunday

This service celebrates the generosity of this congregation as we wrap up our campaign, Widening and Deepening Our Connections.  It is a service of reflection and gratitude for all this community means to each of us. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Lessons From Nature as We Celebrate Spring Equinox

Our friend, Rev. Lauren Lambert-Goheen will share Matthew 6:25-29 and her message “Lessons from Nature as we celebrate Spring Equinox”.  Rev. Lauren is partner to Greg and parent to four amazing kids. She is Senior Chaplain at Shawnee Correctional Center, a medium-max facility housing 1,200 men. Lauren serves on the Staff Wellness Response Team for IDOC, and on the Religious Practice Advisory Board. 

 “That First One Though…” 

One UU shares where she is on her faith journey and the struggle of living out some of the UU principles.  (Services are in-person, and on Zoom.)

March Matin:  A Service of Music, Meditation, and Blessing

Traditionally, a “matin” is a service of song and prayer, and has also been used to refer to the morning song of birds. Our version of a matin is a service of music, reflection, and blessings. Join us for music with some of our CUF musicians and a reflection by Bridget Shepherd.