Topic: Presence

The Fire Service

In this multigenerational lay-led “Burning Bowl” service, the Fellowship will once again bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year with the fire ceremony.  We’ll burn our outdated habits and thoughts and enter into a new year full of promise. Music by Pat York. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Candlelight Christmas Eve

We celebrate Christmas with candlelight, carols, and story at this special family-friendly evening service. There will be room in the inn – and the internet – for all! Music by Ginivra Stace (cello), Joe Palermo (guitar), and Stephanie Reece (vocal), plus Emily, Eleanor & Esther Hughes vocal trio.

The Gift of Nothing

Ten days from Christmas, are you stumped by what to get for someone who has everything? Or maybe stressed by the thought of preparing for visiting or hosting for the holidays? Lessons in mindfulness from Buddhism, Dr. Seuss, Mutts and more remind us that the greatest present we can give to others – and ourselves – is presence. Music by Daniel and Elisa Hummer. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Crappy Holidays

All of us have had less than merry moments in past holiday seasons; some of us dread the whole month of December. With self and community care resources, we prepare ourselves spiritually and emotionally for a more awe-filled (or at least a less awful) holiday season. Music by Kent and Dorothy McDaniel, and by the CUF Choir, Michael Thompson, Director. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Prophecy of Hope

Join Guest Minister Rev Allison Farnum as she invites us to organize ourselves to be a presence of hope to those in IL jails and prisons, remembering our power as a humanizing, caring presence. With Pat York, song leader. Rev. Farnum (she/her/hers) is the Director and Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of Illinois and an affiliated community minister at Second Unitarian Church of Chicago, Illinois. She lives with her husband, two children, cat, and guinea pigs in Evanston, IL. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)