Topic: Living with Intention

The Spirituality of Drumming

Drumming has been part of rituals in many cultures throughout human history. Drumming has been used to connect people and communicate. We all have rhythms throughout our bodies, our Earth and the universe has rhythms, and we are tied to those rhythms. The use of drumming and rhythm has even been shown to be good for our brains, bodies, and mental health! This service will be interactive, so whether you are in-person at the fellowship or online, come and create rhythm and drum with us! More details to come!

Reaching Reasonable Conclusions

How can reasonable people come to unreasonable conclusions? We are surrounded by a major divergence of beliefs, in the media, and in our personal relationships. Let us explore the sources of this divergence and find ways to see worth and dignity in others. Jerry Molumby … read more.

Living with Intention

Join us as CUF folks explore our monthly theme of Living with Intention through readings, music, and reflection.