Archives: Services

What Is Freedom in Religion?

CUF’s Emeritus Minister, the Rev. Bill Sasso, will present the message. Unitarian Universalism is often described as a free religious movement, but what does that mean? Are we a religious community where “anything goes?” If not, what does “freedom” mean, and where are the limits? In what might be called “an adventure of the spirit,” we’ll engage these and related questions, and perhaps even try out some answers! Music by Glenn McLernon. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

The Song of Social Justice and Resistance

People working on social justice have long used and appreciated music and song as powerful tools to amplify the message and invoke solidarity. Curt Wilson will lead us in an inspirational exploration of these themes, which will hopefully inspire us to continue the work. Music by Warren Bush. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Finding Freedom in Retreat

Martha Shum and Jan Eisenhard will share their experiences of a recent Buddhist retreat at Magnolia Grove Monastery in Mississippi, and will lead us in a meditation. Music by Curt Wilson. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

“Free(dom)-For-All: A Readings Service”

Help create this DIY service by bringing a favorite reading or quote on the topic of Freedom, our theme for July! Music by Candy Davis and Marty Merrill. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Well-Aged Delight

We are pleased to welcome Wade Halva of Faith in Place, who will present the message, “Well-Aged Delight.” In time, what causes us delight, or where we find delight, could change. What has timelessly brought us delight and what were things that brought us delight for a certain time or place or stage of life? Come seek out some well-aged delight! Music by Kent and Dorothy McDaniel. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Box of Delights

Delight is by definition a fleeting feeling – usually spontaneous and impossible to duplicate exactly. But remembering and cataloging those moments of delight can be a delightful experience itself. What are the memories, experiences, sounds and sights that you would put in your “Delight Box”? What are the moments of community that you would add to CUF’s box? Rev. Sarah leads this interactive service. Music by Terri Sullivan. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Interfaith Pride Sunday Service: 11 AM at Church of the Good Shepherd

CUF members and friends are invited to this 11 AM service at Church of the Good Shepherd, 515 S. Orchard Dr., Carbondale IL. This service will be in person and on Facebook Live, at the Church of the Good Shepherd’s facebook page: There will not be a Sunday service at CUF’s building.

Flower Communion Centennial

This annual celebration of community and diversity was created in 1923 by Czech Unitarian minister Rev. Norbert Capek. In this multigenerational service we’ll tell its story and take part in the ritual – please bring a flower (preferably locally sourced) to make up the bouquet. But don’t worry, there will be enough for everyone. Music by Maki Ito Pardieck. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Artificial Intelligence: A Tool for Creativity

Bill Lauritzen will talk about whether AI will be helpful or harmful to humanity. Music by Kent and Dorothy McDaniel. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Graduation Sunday

How does CUF mark the important transitions in life? Our Graduation Sunday service centers on ritual and reflections for eighth-grade and high school graduates. Recognition of important transitions later in life are included – in some ways, we are all graduating from one life phase to another. Music by the CUF choir and pianist Elisa Hummer. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)