Archives: Services

Ho-Hum Holidays

This time of year is not so fa-la-la for those who have had a recent loss or are lonely. How might we care for ourselves and each other when seasonal depression comes home for the holidays? Rev. Sarah and Pastoral Friends lead this service to build connection and calm amidst chaos. Music by Dorothy and Kent McDaniel. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Matin: The Gift of Mystery

Traditionally, a “matin” is a service of song and prayer. It has also been used to refer to the morning song of birds. Our version of a matin is a service of music, reflection, and blessings. Join us for meditations and music on The Gift of Mystery, our theme for December. Music by Pat York. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Our Experiences of Generosity

Please join us as CUF members share their thoughts and memories on generosity. All are invited to join in. Music by Jack Masei. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Thanksgiving Bread Service

Our annual multigenerational celebration of harvest will nourish the mind, body, and spirit. We will hear stories from CUF bakers, break bread together, and give thanks for being together. Music by the CUF choir, led by Michael Thompson. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

James Luther Adams’ Gifts to Us

The Soul Matters team says that generosity transforms, connects, and challenges us. In this context, the writings of James Luther Adams (11/12/01-4/26/94) are a very generous gift to Unitarian Universalism. Rev. Sarah will talk about “the most influential theologian among American UUs of the 20th century,” and ask how his teachings can help us live into our 21st century UU values. Music by Michael Thompson. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Matin: The Gift of Generosity

Traditionally, a “matin” is a service of song and prayer. It has also been used to refer to the morning song of birds. Our version of a matin is a service of music, reflection, and blessings. Join us for meditations and music on The Gift of Generosity, our theme for November. Music by the CUF choir, Elana Floyd-Kennett and Bob Swenson. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Samhain Service

Our annual all-ages observance of the Wiccan highest holy day will include rituals marking the end of the harvest, the beginning of winter/New Year, and honoring the dead. Join us for this Samhain service co-facilitated by Elana Floyd-Kennett, Heather O’Malley, Sage Banks and Gypsy Obermiller. The congregation is encouraged to bring pictures of their Ancestors and Beloved dead as we create the altar together in the service. Music led by Elana Floyd-Kennett. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Ancestry, Spirituality, and Connection

Join us as we share the words of a local genealogist, and a guided meditation by Bethann Seibold, as we explore ancestry, spirituality & connection. Music by the CUF choir and Kent McDaniel.

Blessing of the Animals

What wisdom have we received from our ancestors about being in relationship with animals? What have we learned from our pets that we want to pass to future generations? This service is an opportunity show gratitude for the blessings we have received from animal companions. We welcome well-behaved, non-anxious pets** to be with the human congregation, and photos of those pets who stay home. Zooming in? — show your pet or photo for a virtual blessing. Music by Warren Bush. **Pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. More info in the email Bulletin. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

This Land

Every Sunday we make a brief land acknowledgement statement, recognizing the first peoples of the land we now own. What is the meaning and purpose for us as UUs? What do our shared values tell us about words without action? Music by CUF choir, directed by Michael Thompson, accompanied by Elana Floyd-Kennett. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)