Archives: Services

Climate Justice Revival

Join in the culmination of our congregation’s involvement in the nationwide “Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era” UUA climate justice event. We’ll bring our local context into this collaborative event that aims to “catalyze a shared vision and purpose within congregations to realize climate justice and collective liberation in UU communities and beyond.” Music by Warren Bush.

No Matter What: Post-election

The election is past, and now we must find our resolve for the future. No matter what, what are the values we’re living by these days and in the months and years to come? What are the practices of repair we are engaged in now and in the months and years to come? Rev. Sarah and Emeritus Minister Rev. Bill Sasso lead this centering service. Music by Elana Floyd Kennett and CUF Choir, Michael Thompson, Director.

No Matter What: Pre-election

In this time of uncertainty and anxiety about the coming election outcome and aftermath, it is easy to get caught up in what might be and lose sight of what is. Rev. Sarah leads this service to remind ourselves of who we are and what we do no matter what happens on November 5. Music by Kent McDaniel. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)


Our annual all-ages observance of the Wiccan highest holy day will include rituals marking the end of the harvest, the beginning of winter/New Year, and honoring the dead. Join us for this Samhain service co-facilitated by Elana Floyd-Kennett, Heather O’Malley, and friends. The congregation is encouraged to bring pictures or mementos of their Ancestors and Beloved dead as we create the altar together in the service. Music by CUF choir. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Beyond the Land Acknowledgment

Willow Terrell will speak about her tribal ancestry and how the cultures have survived centuries of genocide, and what it means to be the 7th generation. She will also share action steps on how to go beyond a land acknowledgment. Music by Candy Davis and Marty Merrill. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

“Blessing of the Animals” with Jim Scott!

We have a very special human guest for this year’s fun, multi-generational service: UU musician Jim Scott. Jim’s music celebrates our interdependence with all living things, appropriate to this service of gratitude for the blessings received from animal companions. We welcome well-behaved, non-anxious pets** to be with the congregation, and photos of those pets who stay home. Zooming in? — show your pet or photo for a virtual blessing. Music by Jim Scott and CUF Choir, Michael Thompson, Director. **Pets must be on a leash or in a carrier.

Turn the Other Ear: Listening to Our Enemies

With the election season cacophony of voices all around us, we may wish to avoid listening of any kind, let alone deep listening. Rev. Sarah draws from Quaker, Buddhist, and UU teachings in exploring the question: How can we center love, listening deeply to those we do not like?
Music by Laura Van Abbema & Colleen Springer-Lopez. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Invite a Friend Sunday

What drew you to this Unitarian Universalist congregation? What were your questions, your hopes and fears? Rev. Sarah talks about the oldest (covenant) and newest (values statement) hallmarks of UUism,
and CUF folks share their memories of coming or zooming in to CUF for the first time. A brief UU Q & A session follows during coffee hour. Music by Maki Ito Pardieck. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Invitation to a New Day

Come and help us explore the practice of life’s invitation to greet a new day. Join us as we embrace the power of inviting a new day with readings and music. Music by Stephanie Reece. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Until We are Perfect

Have you ever felt unable to take action for fear of failure, embarrassment, or making a bigger mess? Who hasn’t? Rev. Sarah leads this service to find the invitation to act within our flaws and failures as imperfect people in imperfect community. Music by Colleen Springer-Lopez and Laura Van Abbema. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)