Archives: Services

Belonging to the Web

Quaker teacher Douglas Steer reminds us “The ancient question, “Who am I?” inevitably leads to a deeper one: “Whose am I?” – because there is not identity outside of relationship. You cannot be a person by yourself.” Rev. Sarah leads this service about our relationships of belonging, not only to other humans, but also to the land and planet we live on. Music by Beth Davis. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)


Our annual service marking the beginning of a new church year is all about belonging – how we all belong to each other, and how our congregation belongs in the world. Our water communion ritual will be adapted to include folks joining online. Each person/family is invited to bring a little water/have water ready at home to participate. Music by Curt Wilson. After the service, on the patio, we’ll share coffee and refreshments.

September Matin: a Service of Music, Meditation, and Blessing

Traditionally, a “matin” is a service of song and prayer. It has also been used to refer to the morning song of birds. Our version of a matin is a service of music, reflection, and blessings. Join us for meditations on Belonging, our theme for September, and music by TeeKae Kelly and Bob Swenson. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

The Beat and the Heat of Summer

Explore with poems and other readings, the good and bad of summer heat, including the impact of global warming on how we experience summer. Featuring music by Joe Palermo and Stephanie Reece, and a drumming meditation led by Elana Floyd-Kennett. Bring your rhythm instruments, or have one handy at home. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

UU Voices on Reproductive Justice

With the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn federal protection of women’s reproductive rights, Illinois, and particularly Southern Illinois, is right in the center of the battle over individuals’ right to choose abortion. Using a variety of writings, Rev. Sarah gives an overview of contemporary Unitarian Universalist views on the topic, and lays out possible actions that we UUs of Southern Illinois might take. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Routine Exploration

The shift from summer travels and summer breaks gives us the opportunity to examine our daily, weekly, seasonal routines. What are the essential and extra activities that fulfill needs of our body, mind, and spirit? That fulfill needs for community building/maintenance? For justice-seeking? For resistance? What are those activities that must be let go of, in order to make room for the new? Rev. Sarah Richards will lead this service of exploration. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

August Matin: a Service of Music, Meditation, and Blessing

Traditionally, a “matin” is a service of song and prayer. It has also been used to refer to the morning song of birds. Our version of a matin is a service of music, reflection, and blessings. Join us for meditations on Rhythms of Summer from Rev. Sarah Richards. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Revealing Human Interdependence

What happens when we gather to celebrate a life? Why are these gatherings significant? Emeritus Minister Bill Sasso will explore the meaning and impact of these events, in relation to the lives of Kris Juul and David Clarke, as well as others. The service will include special music and brief memorial dedications in honor of Kris and David. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Tending the Interdependent Web

Candy Davis, Jennifer Mandaville, and other CUF folks will reflect on our Seventh Principle, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part.” (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Nature’s Role in Spirituality

CUF member Don Mullison will share his lifelong interest in nature, making connections with the interdependent web and with spirituality.  He will also share some of his bird photography. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)