Archives: Services

Finding Our Center in Nature

CUF members share how being in nature helps them find their center. Featuring Candy Davis, Glenn McLernon and Benieta Powell. Music by Candy Davis. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Covenant at Our Core

Before we gather for the January Congregational Meeting following the service, Rev. Sarah sketches the history of covenantal philosophy and practice in Unitarianism, Universalism, Unitarian Universalism, and the Fellowship. Music by Dorothy and Kent McDaniel. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Reproductive Justice Theologies and Practice

What are the distinctions between reproductive rights, reproductive care, and reproductive justice? Why do they matter for UUs and CUF folks in particular? What role(s) might we play in promoting reproductive justice locally? These questions will be explored by members of the CUF Reproductive Justice Discernment Group. Music by Elana Floyd-Kennett, Carrie Vine and Pat York. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Daily Centering

Rev. Sarah leads this contemplative service, looking for existing opportunities in our daily lives for reflective space. Music, poetry, silence and guided meditation offer ways of moving into that space. Music by Curt Wilson. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

The Fire Ceremony

In this lay-led service, the Fellowship will once again bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year with the fire ceremony. We’ll burn our outdated habits and thoughts and enter into a new year full of promise. Music by Elana Floyd-Kennett. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Virtual Christmas Brunch – 10 a.m. (Zoom only)

Get your eggnog or hot cocoa and join hosts Gene and Laura Basanta and your Fellowship friends for this online-only time of gathering and sharing from the comfort of home! (This service is Zoom-only.)

Christmas Eve Service, Saturday 6 pm

We celebrate Christmas with candlelight, carols, and story at this special family-friendly evening service. There will be room in the inn – and the internet – for all! Music by Ginivra Herr (cello), Joe Palermo (guitar), and Stephanie Reece (vocal). (In-person and on Zoom.)

Yuletide Cheer

In this multigenerational service, we will mark the winter solstice with ancient and modern practices including seasonal music, and the burning of a Yule log. Music by Elana Floyd-Kennett. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Crappy Holidays

All of us have had less than merry moments in past holiday seasons; some of us dread the whole month of December. In this service, Rev. Sarah looks at how we might prepare ourselves spiritually and emotionally for a more awe-filled (or at least a less awful) holiday season. Music by Warren Bush. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Matin: Wonder-full

Music, meditations, and silence are modes of opening to wonder in this Matin Service. Rev. Sarah will share words, Pat York will share music, and we’ll all share moments of silence to waken our spirit of curiosity. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)