Archives: Services

Our Vision is to be …

In this Generosity Sunday Service, we focus on our Fellowship’s Vision Statement, an expression of our aspirations and intentions. It can be a powerful, inspirational guide for our congregational life; it can be an empty promise. How can we put “feet to our dreams” – commit to move closer to our vision in the year to come? (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Generations of Love

CUF members and friends will share their thoughts and experiences on love between the generations: raising children, caring for elders, mentoring youth, and more. Music by Bob Swenson. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Love’s Imperative

From our 200-year-old Universalist roots to today’s Side With Love public advocacy campaigns, Unitarian Universalists are called to “affirm unconditional, universal love as a foundation and grounding for our actions in the world.” Rev. Sarah shares past and present stories of this calling, and looks to future possibilities for our congregation. Music by TeeKae Kelly. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

All Kinds of Love

What does it mean to you when you hear “We are a congregation of open minds and hearts: all ages, all colors, all genders, all abilities, all kinds of wealth, all kinds of love.”? CUF’s LGBTQ+ Welcoming Congregation Team leads this service about finding love and understanding in community in these times of hostility toward trans and non-binary people. Music by Shane Bruce. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

February Matin: a Service of Music, Meditation, and Blessing

Traditionally, a “matin” is a service of song and prayer. It has also been used to refer to the morning song of birds. Our version of a matin is a service of music, reflection, and blessings. Join us for meditations on Love, our theme for February, and music by Elana Floyd-Kennett. (Services are in person and on Zoom.)

Finding Our Center in Nature

CUF members share how being in nature helps them find their center. Featuring Candy Davis, Glenn McLernon and Benieta Powell. Music by Candy Davis. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Covenant at Our Core

Before we gather for the January Congregational Meeting following the service, Rev. Sarah sketches the history of covenantal philosophy and practice in Unitarianism, Universalism, Unitarian Universalism, and the Fellowship. Music by Dorothy and Kent McDaniel. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Reproductive Justice Theologies and Practice

What are the distinctions between reproductive rights, reproductive care, and reproductive justice? Why do they matter for UUs and CUF folks in particular? What role(s) might we play in promoting reproductive justice locally? These questions will be explored by members of the CUF Reproductive Justice Discernment Group. Music by Elana Floyd-Kennett, Carrie Vine and Pat York. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

Daily Centering

Rev. Sarah leads this contemplative service, looking for existing opportunities in our daily lives for reflective space. Music, poetry, silence and guided meditation offer ways of moving into that space. Music by Curt Wilson. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)

The Fire Ceremony

In this lay-led service, the Fellowship will once again bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year with the fire ceremony. We’ll burn our outdated habits and thoughts and enter into a new year full of promise. Music by Elana Floyd-Kennett. (Services are in-person and on Zoom.)