Kids’ RE Overview

The purpose of our religious education (RE) program is to provide a spiritual foundation on which our young people can build their own faith. It emphasizes the individual’s need to continually search for truth, to have a reverence for the life force and to respect the dignity of each person through standard and innovative teaching methods and social action projects as well as celebrations and time for connection.
Our goals are to:
- Teach the beliefs embodied in the seven principles and purposes of Unitarian Universalism. [Link to Kid’s principles]
- Expand knowledge of the sources from which Unitarian Universalism draws its wisdom.
- Foster the development of basic values, derived from the above principles and sources, that will guide our young people in making ethical decisions.
- Demonstrate a variety of ways in which our young people can become informed, socially concerned individuals who are willing to act on their principles and beliefs.
- Create a warm, welcoming atmosphere in which everyone will feel wanted, important and comfortable.
- Help our young people feel that they are valued members and have important connections to our Fellowship community and make adult members aware of the importance of their continued involvement with the young people.

The RE program at Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship, led by our RE Coordinator Rhonda Kosmicki, the RE Committee, and dedicated parents and volunteers, is active, changing, challenging, and adapting. Come spend some time with us!