Support Our Social Action Partners

Each month Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship (CUF) supports community partners by donating one offering per month of non-pledge donations at a Sunday service and encouraging members to contribute by check at any time during the month.  Each year the Social Action Committee reviews and considers causes nominated by members and presents a slate of organization to the congregation for the coming year’s monthly focus.

To make a donation to a Social Action Partner, note the specific partner that you would like to help.  You can send a check, put money in collection plate on the designated Sunday or donate by PayPal. See Donate Page.

Our Recent Partners

Good Samaritan House

Feed My Sheep

Center for Empowerment and Justice

Murphysboro Food Pantry

I Can Read

Rainbow Café

Green Earth


Survivor Empowerment Center

Carbondale Warming Center

Habitat for Humanity

If you would like more information, contact us.