Green Action
Green Sanctuary – Environmental Justice
Committed to environmental justice, education and to protect and improve our natural environment – our 7th UU Principle. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
We are working toward designation as a Green Sanctuary Congregation!
What does that mean?
We raise awareness about sustainability
- Advocate for changes that will make a difference to the Earth
- Pollinator Prairie on our site, started in 2021
- Collaborate with Faith In Place for environmental justice
- Eco Fair in 2023 with communities groups and Illinois Humanities
- Fair Trade Sales, Equal Exchange, ethically sourced teas, coffees, chocolates
- We wash and dry our own dishes! No single use items to be found. A fine ceramic mug for your coffee, dinner plates, soup bowls for potlucks!
- Installation of LED lighting
- Plant sales
- Collaboration locally with Green Earth and Keep Carbondale Beautiful.
View the slideshow below to see how we created a Pollinator Prairie!