Social Action/ Social Justice at CUF

It is through social action that we live our eight principles and promote and support Unitarian Universalist values:

  • Social justice
  • Environmental change
  • Racial Justice
  • Equity
  • Human Rights

Service to our community, both at the Fellowship and in the world at large.

Climate Action

This is one vibrant congregation working for a better life and world for all.  Our tradition as advocates is strong.

How do we put our beliefs into action?

  • Participate in regional activities bringing our amplified voices with a UU perspective.
  • Sponsor and promote social justice projects including community wide Carbondale Interfaith Council activities.
  • Hold monthly collections supporting local social action partners.
  • Increase the congregation’s knowledge of social issues.
  • Encourage participation in the democratic process and advocacy.

For more information, or to become part of any of this important work sign up for our email with this Welcome Card.