Generosity Campaign--Pledge Drive for Annual Budget

Each Unitarian Universalist community is responsible for funding its own programs and day-to-day operations. We do not receive our operating funds from a central organization. So, at CUF, we rely on our members and regularly participating friends to fund our operating budget by pledging each year.  Pledges remain the major source of revenue.

A pledge is your best estimate of what you will be able to contribute financially during the coming year.  Pledging in advance gives the Board of Trustees the information they need to develop the annual budget.  Whatever the size of your pledge, you are valued here as a member of our cherished community. Give according to your blessings and circumstances.

Pledges are part of the process to becoming a member.

The Generosity Campaign is an opportunity to pledge your financial commitment for the next year's budget.  It is held during March of each year.  Pledges can be made online or you can request a hard copy pledge form.

2025-26 (FY26) Generosity Campaign Form