Legacy Giving and Supporting our Endowment Fund
If you have found loving, compassionate, thoughtful, and accepting people at CUF and if you want CUF to continue to be a vibrant part of Southern Illinois, then, please consider the various ways you might ensure CUF’s continued existence and economic viability now and in the future.
One way to ensure the ongoing value of your gift is to donate money to the CUF Endowment Fund. The Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship (CUF) Endowment Fund was established to create a legacy of abundance that can be used to finance special efforts the congregation may vote to pursue. These efforts would be social, community, or other projects with strong ties to our Fellowship’s mission that fall outside of the annual budget.
The Endowment Fund is a fund that holds the principal in perpetuity, only spending the income from the investments of the endowment. Direct gifting is encouraged and welcomed. Be sure to specifically note that your gift should be directed toward the Endowment Fund.
Contributions can also be made through wills, insurance policies, stocks, bonds, real estate or IRA’s. For more information consult with your attorney or check out this resource (https://www.dallasuu.org/donate/make-gift-will-via-trust/).
Thank you for your generosity and being a part of our liberal religious presence in Southern Illinois. You don’t have to be a millionaire to make a difference in the world.