
Financial contributions are an important part of your participation in our community. Your financial gifts sustain our Minister, program and administrative staff and building and grounds that provides a home in which we can shape our vision and pursue our mission.
There are many ways in which you can make a financial contribution for our community’s long-term future.
Ways to Give
General Donations
You can support this Fellowship and our activities through one time or ongoing donations. Donations can be in the memory of a loved one, for a special project or to support overall operations.
Payments can also be made for your current pledge, Sunday offering, 2024 & 20 More, or Social Action Sunday recipient organization.
Be sure to include how you want to direct your donation as you contribute by check or through Pay Pal. [Add LINK] Checks can be dropped off mailed to CUF at 105 North Parrish Lane Carbondale, IL 62901.
Annual Pledges
Each Unitarian Universalist community is responsible for funding its own programs and day-to-day operations. We do not receive our operating funds from a central organization. So, at CUF, we rely on our members and regularly participating friends to fund our operating budget by pledging each year. Pledges remain the major source of revenue.
A pledge is your best estimate of what you will be able to contribute financially during the coming year. Whatever the size of your pledge, you are valued here as a member of our cherished community. Give according to your blessings and circumstances.
Pledges are part of membership [Link to becoming member.]
Current Generosity Campaign Update
2024 & 20 More Campaign Fund
In 2024 we will celebrate 20 years in our beautiful building. In order to keep this building in top shape and looking beautiful we have a goal to raise $100,000 by 2024, see more information on this campaign.

Support CUF through Your Shopping
If you shop at Schnucks you can sign up to have a portion of your purchase cost contributed to CUF.
If you shop at Krogers you can sign up to have a portion of your purchase cost contributed to CUF.

Legacy Giving and Supporting our Endowment Fund
If you have found loving, compassionate, thoughtful, and accepting people at CUF and if you want CUF to continue to be a vibrant part of Southern Illinois, then, please consider the various ways you might ensure CUF’s continued existence and economic viability now and in the future.
One way to ensure the ongoing value of your gift is to donate money to the CUF Endowment Fund. The Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship (CUF) Endowment Fund was established to create a legacy of abundance that can be used to finance special efforts the congregation may vote to pursue. These efforts would be social, community, or other projects with strong ties to our Fellowship’s mission that fall outside of the annual budget.
The Endowment Fund is a fund that holds the principal in perpetuity, only spending the income from the investments of the endowment. Direct gifting is encouraged and welcomed. Be sure to specifically note that your gift should be directed toward the Endowment Fund.
Contributions can also be made through wills, insurance policies, stocks, bonds, real estate or IRA’s. For more information consult with your attorney or check out this resource (
Thank you for your generosity and being a part of our liberal religious presence in Southern Illinois. You don’t have to be a millionaire to make a difference in the world.