Category: News

Creating Our Future

Our newly adopted Strategic Plan will help us live our values and lean into our mission. The plan summary can be found under About<Vision and Mission on this website and the full document is located under Policies on the Member page. Thanks to … read more.

Rose/Hayward Projects-update

Following a congregational vote the following projects are moving forward:

$19,780 has been set aside in the Building Maintenance Fund for Heating and Air Conditioning updates.

$15,000 is being used to make much needed improvements to our A/V Equipment.

Creation of a single-occupancy “Safe Space Bathroom” is on … read more.

Yard Sale a Big Success

CUF’s yard sale was a big success with lots of items put back into use, over $3000 raised for social action projects and many in the CUF community supporting the activity. Items left over were donated to places like the Warming Center. further spreading … read more.